Management system for quality assurance activities
Comprehensive quality assurance management system from the consumer’s perspective
The quality assurance committee, which constitutes the internal control committee, decides on the company-wide basic policies and important measures related to quality assurance, confirms the effectiveness and reliability of company-wide quality assurance activities, and quality assurance department oversees and promotes company-wide activities by assuming overall quality assurance responsibility.
Customer feedback sent to customer service department is the first evaluation axis in the evaluation of daily quality assurance activities. For each business segment, the relevant departments (product planning, research and development, quality assurance, and quality control) hold “quality improvement review meeting” to discuss individual products, such as the final confirmation of quality before the launch of new or improved products and quality improvement after the launch, and “quality assurance meeting” to confirm the progress of important measures and issues with the participation of quality assurance committee members. We have established the comprehensive quality assurance management system from the consumer’s perspective.